If they don't then why not attend the Mossley AFC Quiz Night on Thursday, 21st February at 8:00pm in the Seel Park Social Club? It costs just one, solitary pound to enter and it never fails to be anything other than a good laugh and a good night. And occasionally, very occasionally mind, it's informative too.
Now the advert is out of the way, onto the clips; none of which I might add have been on any of the numerous, and frankly rubbish, TV programmes about internet virals and videos that have invaded our screens recently. Normally I'd go into a rant about cheap television but as I'm doing almost exactly the same thing as they are in order to cover up the lack of editorial content, it would be somewhat hypocritical. Who said that hasn't stopped me before?
Anyhow, the handful of you who read this site regularly may recall a clip I posted back in December of a human version of Tetris that's played on Japanese TV. Well there's another one and it's no less funnier...
The pros and cons of censorship have been debated by better minds than mine for centuries, and whilst I don't feel that I could add anything constructive to the debate, I've got to say that things are going to far when even Sesame Street can’t escape the reach those anonymous 'moral guardians'...
Not forgetting that the primary concern of this blog is football, here's an easily confused goalkeeper...
Finally, there's nothing better than seeing club apologists cut down a peg or two so it's back last weekends FA Cup matches or to be more precise, one of them: the unceremonious, yet uproarious, dumping out of the cup of Liverpool by Barnsley. They say a picture paints a thousand words...

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